Tisti, kateri izvajate ta Pozdrav Soncu in kot čaščenje po Pozdravu nadaljujete z spodaj omenjenim (je le delni) verzom iz Liber AL, vem bo verjetno (vsekakor, če še niste vedeli) zanimiva razlaga, katero sem pa pustil kar v angleškem izvirniku. Pomembno, pa se je tudi zavedat tistega dela, kateri je odebeljen in podčrtan :)
AL III/38 Obstaja skrivni vhod, ki ga bom naredil, da ti omogočim pot na vse strani! (To so čaščenja, kakor si jih predpisal), kakor je rečeno:
Svetloba je moja; njeni žarki me požirajo:
Naredil sem skrita vrata v hišo.
Kjer domujejo Ra in Tum,
Khephra in Ahathoor
It could be said that the higher form of this adoration can represent the sexo-magical operations (different forms of them) – because the symbol of the Sun is the union of the Point and the Circle – which are symbols for Phallus and Kteis – which are the Rose and the Cross. In this we are, for example, instructed in the most obvious way by the name of the God Khephra: K-Kteis + Ph-Phallus + RA, they are united in the Light of the Sun – in LVX.
I could also say that the ‘secret door’ is – the Gate of the Sun God – the gate is BAB, God is AL, and the Sun is ON – it is BABALON! The ‘secret door’ is thus Kteis, while the Sun is – Phallus.
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